Robotic Store Replenishment

Consumers expect your shelves to be stocked, and the rise of buy-online-pick-up-in-store (BOPIS) is putting pressure on your fulfilment centers to process more orders with existing or reduced resources.

Increase order fulfillment with our top-selling sortation solution that exceeds the UPH of traditional sorters, offering 50% more capacity in 50% less space.


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  • Original
  • 1080p
  • 720p
  • 540p
  • 224p
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  • Original
  • 1080p
  • 720p
  • 540p
  • 224p
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Order Fulfillment

Increase order fulfillment without added labor, while increasing retained employee productivity and ENPS.

SKU eligibility

Including oversized, rolling, and very small items that traditionally require manual exception handling.

Throughput per sq ft

Increase throughput in existing operations, expanding building capacity in 50% less floorspace vs manual.

“Demands on our supply chain surged as online sales doubled. We worked with Berkshire Grey to extend our robotic system operating hours to ensure we could keep our store shelves stocked and fulfill BOPIS orders. By doing this, we were able to avoid having to add another shift.”

— Fortune 5 Retailer

Robotic Shuttle Product Sortation

The BG RSPS system picks, sorts, and ships break pack, allocation, and large eCommerce orders enabling you to improve order accuracy and quality without additional labor. Offering scale, flexibility and installing into your existing operations with one RSPS operator producing the equivalent throughput of 4.

Robotic Shuttle Product Sortation (RSPS)

The BG RSPS system picks, sorts, and ships break pack, allocation, and large eCommerce orders enabling you to improve order accuracy and quality without additional labor. Offering scale, flexibility and installing into your existing operations with one RSPS operator producing the equivalent throughput of 4.

Robotic Product Sortation (RPS) 


The BG RPS system is our fully robotic store replenishment solution. Autonomously picking and sorting, the solution leverages computer vision, advanced sensors, and our patented SpectrumGripper™ technology to provide unmatched SKU coverage, savings, and enables 24/7 operations without adding a shift.

Learn More About Our Robotic Store Replenishment Solutions


Robotic automation can increase retail order fulfillment throughput and ease labor challenges


How BG robotic sortation speeds store replenishment and allocation processes while easing labor challenges


A Fortune 5 retailer increased store replenishment volumes by 30% without adding labor